Sorry for not posting frequently enough. The holidays have just been a whirlwind! First, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
We had a wonderful year in 2007 and are incredibly grateful for the abundance in our lives.
Abigail has grown into quite the little lady. She suddenly looks very grown up. There's something about potty training and becoming a big sister and turning 3 years old that has changed her somehow. Of course, today's tantrum at naptime, notwithstanding, she often acts older than her age. And she certainly talks like she's older. She has started using phrases like, "Awww, shucks!" which I honestly think must come from school, cause she didn't get that one from me! :)
She was very sad that I took all of the ornaments off the tree tonight...and I'm sure she's going to be even more upset when the whole thing comes down tomorrow. Oh, boy!
And little Katherine, she is just motoring along. She crawls with the speed of light, but not for long. The week of Christmas she started pulling up to standing without holding on to anything. It's not going to be long before she takes off. And just like with crawling, she may not be the first to do it, but when she does it, it's going to be clearly walking...and probably will be followed the next day by running. She's got to keep up with a 3 year old!
They love playing peekaboo and a modified version of hide and go seek where Abby runs into another room and Katherine laughs and follows as quickly as she can before Abby's off to another room. Of course, Abby just wants to win now (at everything, including every game of Candyland) so she doesn't get how she should let Katherine catch her every now and again. So, aftere a while Katherine gives up...and Abby is surprised and disappointed. But it's always the same. :) They were pushing Abby's new shopping cart "together" tonight...both behind the handle...Katherine walking with that stilted, lock-kneed walk. I can't wait for the toddling and falling. They are just so cute.
Finally Christmas was really exciting for Abigail. She loved the act of opening the presents just as much as the presents inside...except for clothing...no matter how cute, it is discarded as if it were garbage disguised within a pretty box. Katherine enjoyed the paper and some of the toys, but mostly I think it was just overwhelming. Shoot, it was overwhelming for me. Especially at my mom's house...with the adults and 4 kids 3 and under...it was just bedlam. Thank God Katherine and Mason were laid back. Lord help us when they all want to unwrap the moment they step foot in the house. I'm not ready...hopefully we have at least a year to prepare. Ha!
Jackson turns two in a few days and Katherine turns 1 on the 21st of the month. And Mason follows her by 7 weeks when he turns 1 in March. It's going to be a busy Winter/Spring. But what fun!
But the most exciting thing of all...if you hadn't already heard, I gave Scott a motorcycle for Christmas. It was a complete surprise, as evidenced by the stunned look and silence from him. All he could say was, "What have you done?" HA! Not only was it a thrill to really surprise him with something big, it was so fun to get him what he really wanted. He's been oogling it every day and night since then. He went riding this weekend and was like a little kid giggling when he came home. However, I don't suggest asking him about it unless you have a lot of time on your hands. :)
Anyway, that's all for us right now. More to come later! Welcome 2008!
We had a wonderful year in 2007 and are incredibly grateful for the abundance in our lives.
Abigail has grown into quite the little lady. She suddenly looks very grown up. There's something about potty training and becoming a big sister and turning 3 years old that has changed her somehow. Of course, today's tantrum at naptime, notwithstanding, she often acts older than her age. And she certainly talks like she's older. She has started using phrases like, "Awww, shucks!" which I honestly think must come from school, cause she didn't get that one from me! :)
She was very sad that I took all of the ornaments off the tree tonight...and I'm sure she's going to be even more upset when the whole thing comes down tomorrow. Oh, boy!
And little Katherine, she is just motoring along. She crawls with the speed of light, but not for long. The week of Christmas she started pulling up to standing without holding on to anything. It's not going to be long before she takes off. And just like with crawling, she may not be the first to do it, but when she does it, it's going to be clearly walking...and probably will be followed the next day by running. She's got to keep up with a 3 year old!
They love playing peekaboo and a modified version of hide and go seek where Abby runs into another room and Katherine laughs and follows as quickly as she can before Abby's off to another room. Of course, Abby just wants to win now (at everything, including every game of Candyland) so she doesn't get how she should let Katherine catch her every now and again. So, aftere a while Katherine gives up...and Abby is surprised and disappointed. But it's always the same. :) They were pushing Abby's new shopping cart "together" tonight...both behind the handle...Katherine walking with that stilted, lock-kneed walk. I can't wait for the toddling and falling. They are just so cute.
Finally Christmas was really exciting for Abigail. She loved the act of opening the presents just as much as the presents inside...except for clothing...no matter how cute, it is discarded as if it were garbage disguised within a pretty box. Katherine enjoyed the paper and some of the toys, but mostly I think it was just overwhelming. Shoot, it was overwhelming for me. Especially at my mom's house...with the adults and 4 kids 3 and under...it was just bedlam. Thank God Katherine and Mason were laid back. Lord help us when they all want to unwrap the moment they step foot in the house. I'm not ready...hopefully we have at least a year to prepare. Ha!
Jackson turns two in a few days and Katherine turns 1 on the 21st of the month. And Mason follows her by 7 weeks when he turns 1 in March. It's going to be a busy Winter/Spring. But what fun!
But the most exciting thing of all...if you hadn't already heard, I gave Scott a motorcycle for Christmas. It was a complete surprise, as evidenced by the stunned look and silence from him. All he could say was, "What have you done?" HA! Not only was it a thrill to really surprise him with something big, it was so fun to get him what he really wanted. He's been oogling it every day and night since then. He went riding this weekend and was like a little kid giggling when he came home. However, I don't suggest asking him about it unless you have a lot of time on your hands. :)
Anyway, that's all for us right now. More to come later! Welcome 2008!