Everyone is growing, growing, growing...up too fast!!!
Abigail is telling stories starting with "Once upon a time..." and has started using expressions like, "Oh, no!" when something bad happens. She usually follows it with an, "That's okay, it happens sometimes." I can't decide whether the parroting of me is flattery or mockery. :) She's got tons of energy and is very bright. She's taken to asking how everything is spelled...so I have a feeling we'll be spelling soon. She has memorized how to spell her name...A-B-B-Y... and is happy to tell anyone who asks.
Little miss Katherine is 17 lbs and is 7 months old. She's eating solid food like a champ until you offer carrots. She'll actually gag dramatically to tell you what she thinks of them. :) Most of the time, she is all smiles...a very happy little girl...until this week when she started cutting teeth. For the first two nights, I couldn't figure out what was wrong, but thank God for Anbesol! Now, everyone in our house can sleep again. :) Nothing to see yet, but those two top teeth (odd that it's not the bottoms first) should be visible soon.
I wish I could report exciting news on the mobility front, but Katherine has had nothing but disdain for being on her tummy...an important first step to crawling. Mostly she just screamed anytime she was rudely placed on her belly. :) Now, it's not so bad. She can last for maybe 10-20 seconds before screaming. Pitiful, but true. She's starting to realize that she's going to have to use that uncomfortable position to help her get things. Although she's doing quite well scooting on her bottom in the sitting position...and you would think her arms were made of elastic because she has become quite adept at reaching for the things she wants. She's also very interested in pulling up. She reaches for people to hold her up, and enjoys standing. She just doesn't have the strength yet to do it on her own...or the endurance to last very long once she's up. But she'll get there....she's motivated...she's got to be able to get out of the way of her big sister and the things hurled at her head (inadvertently or not). :)
The girls really love and like each other. Abigail is protective and kind to Katherine. And Katherine lights up when she sees Abigail. It's very sweet to watch. Abby even climbs in Katherine's crib to play and keep her company while I change over laundry or put dishes in the dishwasher. She's become quite a big helper.
Well, that's enough for now. Sorry it's been so long since I posted. More to follow soon. Photos are of Abby painting pottery for father's day, her first time on roller skates, and of Kathering eating her first biter biscuit.